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Monday, November 23, 2009

Problem Steps Recorder In Windows 7

If you’ve ever worked as a technician and become extremely frustrated while trying to coax an end user into accurately describing the problem that has been encountered, you will definitely love a new tool in Microsoft Windows 7 called the Problem Steps Recorder. When started, this new feature will essentially record each and every step a user takes and document the entire operation in both screen captures and step-by-step details. When stopped, the Problem Steps Recorder will save the recorded information as a compiled HTML file and package it up in a ZIP file that the end user can then e-mail to the help desk.

Problem Steps Recorder

The Problem Steps Recorder is an efficient tool in Windows 7 that can be used by the user to record the steps over phone by some expert. Hence, you don’t have to suffer calling again and again.
The beauty of this windows 7 feature is when any application starts misbehaving under Windows 7 then all your friends need do is click Start, type PSR and press Enter, then click Start Record. If they work through whatever they are doing then the PSR will record every click and keypress, take screen grabs, and accommodate everything up into a single zipped HTML file when they’re finished. After completing all this process it will be ready for emailing to you.

PSR (Problem Steps Recorder), can be start by a regular user or by an administrator.

1. User can record a series of actions performed on a computer.
2. Document those actions, in the order that they were performed using text and screen captures at the moment that the action was performed.
3. This documentation will include where the user clicked on each option on the screen.
4. The documentation won’t include anything that the end user typed for privacy reasons.
5. PSR will allow the user running it to create “Comments” throughout the process.
6. The PSR report will show the version of the operating system and even the URLs of any web pages that the user was accessing during the process.

In order to solve a network problem follow the given instructions:

● At First, start PSR by going to Start and type psr in the search box. Press Enter.
● When PSR comes up, press Start Record or use Alt-A.
● Now, perform your process. For instance, you can perform a number of steps.
● Do not forget to enter comments during your process to make your documentation even better. When you enter comments, you will be prompted to mark an area of the screen that will be added to the PSR report.
● When you are done with the process you want to document / record, press Stop Record and you will be prompted for the name to give your report.
● Now you are ready to view your report .
Note: In this article, we covered the new Windows 7 “Problem Steps Recorder”, how to use it, and how it can save you, as a Windows Administrator, so much time. Because the “PSR” is able to quickly and easily document any problem in Windows 7, step by step, in written form, it is a great way to document any series of steps on your computer or an end user’s computer.

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